WCAG Compliance Overview
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Making sure everyone can use your website is really important. That’s why we follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, or WCAG. These guidelines help us build websites that are easy to use for everyone, including people with disabilities.

WCAG is the international standard for making websites accessible. It’s a set of rules that people all around the world follow to make sure websites are usable by everyone. The ADA in the United States and the Accessible Canada Act use WCAG as their guide.

When we build your website, we make sure it meets these high standards of accessibility compliance. This means your website will be easier to use, you’ll reach more customers, and you’ll avoid any legal problems.

Key WCAG Principles

To make your website accessible, we follow four main principles from the WCAG guidelines. Here's what they mean:


  • Text Alternatives: We add descriptions to images (called "alt text") so that people who can’t see the images can understand what they are by listening to the descriptions. No keyword stuffing here.
  • Adaptable Content: We make sure content can be presented in different ways without losing its meaning. For example, you can change the size of the text or view it in a simpler layout.
  • Time-based Media: We provide captions for videos and written transcripts for audio so that people who can’t hear can still understand the content.


  • Keyboard Accessible: We ensure that all parts of the website can be accessed and used with a keyboard. This helps people who can’t use a mouse.
  • Enough Time: We give users enough time to read and use the content. For example, we avoid setting time limits that might rush people.
  • Navigable: We make it easy to find your way around the website. This includes things like clear headings and easy-to-use menus.


  • Readable Text: We make sure the text is clear and easy to understand. This means using simple language and good design.
  • Predictable Navigation: We keep the website layout consistent and predictable so users know what to expect and how to find things.
  • Input Assistance: We help users avoid and correct mistakes. For example, if you fill out a form wrong, we provide helpful error messages.


  • Compatible: We make sure the website works well with different devices and software, like screen readers. This ensures that as technology changes, the website remains accessible.

By following these principles, we ensure that your website is accessible to everyone, making it user-friendly and compliant with important guidelines.

Tools and Resources

To help make your website WCAG compliant, we use several helpful tools and resources:

WCAG Guidelines:

These guidelines provide detailed instructions on how to make your website accessible. They cover everything from text and images to navigation and multimedia.

Accessibility Checkers:

  • **WAVE:** This tool helps us identify and fix accessibility issues on your website. It highlights problems and suggests solutions to improve accessibility.
  • **axe:** Another tool we use to check for accessibility problems. It provides detailed reports and recommendations on how to fix issues.

18F Accessibility Guide:

This guide offers a comprehensive set of resources and best practices for making websites accessible. It’s a valuable reference for understanding and implementing WCAG guidelines.

Visit 18F Accessibility Guide.


By following the WCAG guidelines and using the right tools and resources, we make sure your website is accessible, user-friendly, and compliant with important laws. Trust us to help you create a website that welcomes everyone and meets the highest accessibility standards.

Renaud Gagne
Web Designer & Web Developer
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