How to Hire the Right Landscaping Web Design Service

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Is your landscaping business not getting enough attention online? Finding the right landscaping web design agency can change everything, but choosing the wrong one can be a disaster. At , our mission is to help landscapers around the world reach more clients, transform more outdoor spaces, and build the business of their dreams. This guide will help you pick the best landscaping web design services, ensuring your website brings in more clients and showcases your exceptional work.

We’ve learned a lot from auditing hundreds of landscaping websites and working closely with our clients. We know what works and what doesn’t. Follow these steps to hire the right landscaping website developers and make your website look professional, attracting those high-paying clients you need.

How to Prepare and Communicate Your Needs to a Landscaping Web Design Agency

Landscaper doing research before hiring. Papercraft style.

Before you hire a landscaping web design agency, it’s important to know what you want and don't want. Coming prepared will allow for the agency to build exactly what you want and avoid surprises.

Define Your Goals

Think about what you want your website to do. What is the primary action you want visitors to take? A website isn't the goal, it is a mean to an end.

Questions to Consider:

  • What do I want my website to do? (e.g., claim an offer, click to call you, offer free quote, simple contact form, schedule appointment, etc.)
  • Who do I want to visit my website? (e.g., clients within a specific neighbourhood, upscale clients, clients with a specific income bracket, etc.)
  • What special features do I need? (e.g., quote form at the top of the homepage, a portfolio system that can be easily updated, location pages,etc.)

Gather Inspiration

Look at other landscaping websites to get ideas. Warning, most of them are lousy! This is why we've prepared for you a short list of website we believe would actually help you get more client.

Questions to Consider:

  • What do I like about other websites? (e.g., design style, layout)
  • Are there any styles or features I don’t want? (e.g., too much text, cluttered design)

Prepare Your Content

Good content is key for a successful website. Get high-quality pictures, get pictures of your team, and gather testimonials from happy clients. Show your best work! A good landscaping web design agency would provide a content writer to deal fill in the blank.

Questions to Consider:

  • Do I have good photos of my projects?
  • Do I have client testimonials and reviews?
  • What is the mission of my company and what are our values?

Set a Budget

Know how much money you can spend on your website. This helps you find an agency that fits your budget and avoids surprises.

Bonus: Read our complete guide to landscaping website costs.

Questions to Consider:

  • What is my budget for the website? (e.g., $10,000, $25,000)
  • Do I want to pay once or monthly? (e.g., one-time payment, monthly subscription)

Communicate Clearly

When you talk to agencies, be clear about what you need. Share all the information and materials you’ve prepared. This helps them understand your vision and make a website that meets your goals.

What to Look for in a Landscaping Web Design Agency

When you're ready to hire a landscaping web design agency, it's important to know what to look for. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Experience with Landscaping Websites

Look for an agency that has experience designing websites for landscaping businesses. They will understand the unique needs and challenges of your industry.

Questions to Ask:

  • Have you designed websites for landscaping companies before?
  • Can you show me examples of your work?

SEO Knowledge

A good web design agency should know how to make your website easy to find on Google. This means using the right keywords and making sure your site is set up correctly.

Questions to Ask:

  • How do you approach SEO for landscaping websites?
  • Can you help my website rank higher in local searches?

Bonus Tips: There are best practices for local search your web designer can help with BUT a big part of ranking will also come down to knowing how to play the game.

Great Customer Service

You want to work with an agency that is easy to communicate with and responsive to your needs. Good customer service is a must.

Questions to Ask:

  • How do you handle customer support?
  • Do you use a support ticket management system to handle my requests?
  • Do I have to pay extra to get updates on my website?

Positive Reviews

Check reviews from other landscaping businesses. Positive reviews can tell you a lot about an agency's reliability and quality of work.

Questions to Ask:

  • Can you provide references or reviews from past clients?
  • What do other landscaping businesses say about your services?

Understanding of Your Goals

Make sure the agency understands your goals and can create a website that helps you achieve them. Whether it's getting more clients, showcasing your work, or building credibility, they should be able to meet your needs.

Questions to Ask:

  • How will you ensure my website meets my business goals?
  • Have you ran any paid ads before on websites like mine?

The question about paid ad is important. There are designers who "make pretty websites" and there are web design agency who have had the experience of running paid ads. The layout and strategies from someone with experience with advertising will make it so that they optimize for conversions (turning visitors into leads).

Cost of Hiring a Landscaping Web Design Agency

When you're thinking about hiring a landscaping web design agency, it's important to understand the costs involved. Here’s what you need to know:

One-Time Lump Sum vs. Subscription Model

There are two main ways to pay for a web design: a one-time lump sum or a subscription model.

One-Time Lump Sum:
You pay for the website all at once. This can be a big amount upfront. After that, you might have to pay extra for updates or changes. For an agency specialized in the landscaping market, you might look at something up to $20K. They might have 12 month payment plans to help with cashflow.

Subscription Model:
You pay a smaller amount every month. This usually includes updates and support. It's like paying for a service that keeps your website fresh and running smoothly. Think of it like a lawn care service, there might be some heavy work up front, but then they are mostly there to keep things humming and adding pages as you grow your website.

Note: We are biased for the subscription model, after a decade in the trade, we believe it is more aligned with the interest of both parties. You get to have an agency who's constantly need to please you to keep the subscription going and the agency gets paid for the maintenance work and upgrades that is inevitable with every website.

Average Cost Per Page

Websites can cost different amounts based on how many pages you need. On average, each page can cost between $100 to $500 when you speak to a generalist. If you want a landscaping web design agency, it will probably be closer to the $1000 mark.

Note: All things being equal, the more page you have, the more traffic your website will get, guaranteed. When we do websites for our landscaping clients, we don't charge for every new page after the initial design. As you go out there and building your portfolio of completed projects or decide to run a new promotion, you should be able to get those pages up with a simple support ticket. Try to find an agency who would agree to such term.

Why Invest in a Professional Landscaping Website Developer

If you’re just starting, you might use a DIY tool like CARRD. It’s cheap and easy for a beginner. When you just get started, you might have a lot more time than money. But if you want to rank high on Google and get lots of clients, hiring a pro is the way to go. Professionals know all the tricks to make your website stand out.

Your Website is a Living Document

Remember, your website is not a one-time thing. It needs updates and changes to stay useful. This probably means having a plan to take Before-and-After pcitures of interesting projects you want to showcase.


Like said above, hiring a bad landscaping web design agency is a nightmare you want to avoid at all cost. It's like a mechanic, hiring a bad one can cost a lot more than you've bargained for.

Your website is your digital storefront. Invest in it accordingly.

To your continued success.


Renaud Gagne
Web Designer & Web Developer
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