Understanding Cookie Consent For Landscaping Websites

Cookie Consent
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Have you ever noticed those little pop-up banners on websites asking if it's okay to use cookies? That's what cookie consent is all about! At Supersonic Sites, where we make sure your website not only has those banners but also follows all the rules to keep your visitors' information safe and sound.

Cookies are like tiny helpers that remember things for you, like what you added to your shopping cart. By asking for permission to use these cookies, websites show that they respect your privacy and want to keep your information secure.

At Supersonic Sites, we take privacy very seriously. In this article, we'll show you the steps we take to make sure your website complies with all the cookie consent laws. For more detailed information about all that we do for you to be compliant with privacy laws and regulations, check out our Data Privacy Overview page.

Let's dive in and learn how we help keep your website users' information safe and build trust with your audience!

Understanding Cookies and Consent

So, what exactly are cookies, and why do websites need your consent to use them? Let's break it down.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites store on your computer or device when you visit them. Think of them as tiny memory cards that help websites remember things about you. There are different types of cookies, but here are the main ones:

  • First-party cookies: These are set by the website you're visiting. They help with things like keeping you logged in or remembering what's in your shopping cart.
  • Third-party cookies: These are set by other companies (like advertisers) that the website you're visiting works with. They track your activity across different websites to show you ads that might interest you. In your website case, Google Analytics (GA4) will be the main 3rd party cookie,

Why Do Websites Use Cookies?

Websites use cookies for several reasons:

  • Remembering your preferences: Cookies can save your settings, like language or theme preferences, so you don't have to set them every time you visit.
  • Improving your experience: By tracking what you do on the site, cookies help website owners understand how you use their site and how they can make it better.
  • Targeted advertising: Cookies help advertisers show you ads that are more relevant to you based on your browsing history.

Why Is Cookie Consent Important?

Because cookies can collect personal information, it's important for websites to get your permission before using them. This is where cookie consent comes in. By showing you a cookie consent banner, websites let you know what cookies they use and why, giving you the choice to accept or decline them.

Getting your consent is not just a nice thing to do—it's also required by privacy laws in many places, like the GDPR in Europe, PIPEDA in Canada (see Canadian Online Privacy Laws) and the CCPA (see United States Online Privacy Laws) in California. These laws are designed to protect your privacy and give you control over your personal information.

Overview of Privacy Laws

When it comes to cookies and privacy, different places have different rules. Here's a quick look at the major privacy laws in Canada and the USA that you need to know about.

Privacy Laws in Canada

In Canada, the main privacy law is called PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act). This law says that businesses must:

  • Inform users: Let people know what data is being collected, why it's being collected, and how it will be used.
  • Get consent: Before collecting any personal information, businesses need to get clear permission from users.
  • Protect data: Businesses must keep personal information safe and secure.
  • Allow access: Users have the right to see the information collected about them and request corrections if needed.

PIPEDA makes sure that businesses respect your privacy and handle your data responsibly. In 2024, there might be some updates to PIPEDA that could make the rules even stricter, so it's important to stay informed.

Privacy Laws in the United States

In the USA, privacy laws can vary by state. Here are some of the key state laws you should know about:

  • California (CCPA/CPRA): The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and its update, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), give people the right to know what personal information is being collected and to opt out of the sale of their information. They also require businesses to put a "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link on their websites.
  • Virginia (CDPA): The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (CDPA) requires businesses to be transparent about data collection, get consent for processing sensitive data, and give users the right to access, correct, and delete their information.
  • Colorado (CPA): The Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) has similar requirements to Virginia’s law, including the need for user consent for sensitive data and clear privacy notices.
  • Connecticut (CTDPA): The Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA) focuses on giving users control over their personal information and requires businesses to get consent before processing sensitive data.
  • Utah (UCPA): The Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA) requires businesses to let users opt out of the sale of their personal information and to provide clear privacy notices.

Why Compliance Matters

Following these laws is crucial for protecting users' privacy and building trust. At Supersonic Sites, we make sure your website meets all these requirements. This not only keeps you compliant with the law but also shows your visitors that you care about their privacy.

Supersonic Sites’ Approach to Cookie Consent

At Supersonic Sites, we take privacy seriously and ensure your website complies with all cookie consent laws. Here’s how we do it:

Implementing GA4 Cookie Consent Mode

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a powerful tool for understanding how users interact with your website. However, using GA4 means you need to handle cookies responsibly and obtain user consent. Here’s our approach:

  1. Consent Mode Configuration: We set up GA4 with consent mode, which adjusts how Google tags behave based on the user’s consent status. This means that if a user declines cookies, GA4 will only use cookieless pings, ensuring minimal data collection while still providing useful insights.
  2. Customizable Consent Banners: We implement customizable cookie consent banners that are easy for users to understand and interact with. These banners clearly explain what cookies do and give users straightforward options to accept or decline.

Steps to Ensure Compliance

We follow a thorough process to ensure your website is compliant with all relevant cookie consent laws:

  1. Audit and Assessment: We start by auditing your website to identify all cookies in use. This helps us understand what data is being collected and how it aligns with privacy laws.
  2. Using Google Tag Manager or Cloudflare Zaraz: Instead of traditional CMPs, we use tools like Google Tag Manager or Cloudflare Zaraz to manage cookie consent. These tools allow us to control when and how cookies are set based on user consent.
    • Google Tag Manager: GTM helps us manage and deploy marketing tags (like GA4) on your website without modifying the code. We can set up triggers that ensure cookies are only set after user consent is given.
    • Cloudflare Zaraz: Zaraz integrates with Cloudflare and allows us to manage third-party tools and tags efficiently. It can handle consent preferences and ensure that tags are loaded or blocked based on user consent.
  3. Regular Updates and Audits: Privacy laws are always evolving, so we regularly update your website’s cookie settings and consent mechanisms to stay compliant with the latest regulations. We also conduct periodic audits to ensure ongoing compliance.

Transparency and User Control

We believe in transparency and giving users control over their data. Our cookie consent solutions include:

  • Clear Information: We provide clear and concise information about what cookies are used, why they are used, and how the data collected will be used. This information is also detailed in our comprehensive Privacy Policy (see Privacy Policy Pages) pages we create for you.
  • Easy Opt-in/Opt-out: Users can easily choose which cookies they want to allow and can change their preferences at any time.

By taking these steps, we ensure that your website respects user privacy and complies with all relevant cookie consent laws. This not only helps you avoid legal issues but also builds trust with your visitors, showing them that you value their privacy.


Ensuring cookie consent compliance is crucial for protecting user privacy and building trust with your website visitors. At Supersonic Sites, we are committed to making this process easy and effective for you. By using advanced tools like GA4 with consent mode, Google Tag Manager, and Cloudflare Zaraz, we make sure your website meets all legal requirements while providing a seamless experience for your users.

Renaud Gagne
Web Designer & Web Developer
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