Effective Landscaping and Lawn Care Lead Generation Strategies

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Need help figuring out what to do to get more leads? If yes, you are not alone. According to Salesmate, 61% of business owners consider generating leads to be their biggest challenge.

Running a lawn care or landscaping business is hard work. You're always on the move, making sure your clients are happy. Not only do you have to please your customers, but you also have to deal with the rest of the business, including having enough jobs coming through the door to keep your employees.

At Supersonic Sites, we do more than build lawn care or landscaping websites; we help you create a lead generation machine that brings you more clients day in and day out.

Below, we'll share some of the best landscaping leads sources and strategies to help you bring more clients through the door.

Lead Generating Web Design For Landscapers

Papercraft desktop monitor with flowers and plants coming out of it

A website has two jobs:

  • Rank on Google
  • Convert visitors into leads

If your landscaping website doesn't do both of those things, you probably need a redesign. If your website isn't properly designed, all of your advertising will cost more.

For example, when we redesigned Park City Inc, we reduced the cost per landscaping lead from Google Ads by half. That means twice as many customers with the same ad budget!

Having an incredible website is crucial for attracting new leads in the landscaping industry. But it's not just about the visible features; it's also about the behind-the-scenes elements that make your site truly effective.

Visible Elements

Top-Placement Contact Forms: When we design a landscaping website, we ensure your contact forms are easy to find without scrolling. Only 15% of visitors reach the bottom of your page, while 100% see the top. Keeping forms visible increases the chances of engagement.

Mobile-Friendly Actions: For mobile users only, we install a "click-to-call" button above (or sometimes replace) the forms as your primary call to action. Our research shows this small change can significantly boost conversions.

Accessibility and Navigation: Your website should have a high contrast between the background and text for better readability. Design your site to be easy and intuitive to navigate, allowing visitors to quickly find what they need.

Showcase Your Work: Wherever possible, we highlight photos and detailed descriptions of your completed projects. This builds trust and demonstrates your capabilities effectively. Having a portfolio of completed projects not only helps with lead generation, it is also good to improve your rankings on Google.

Display Google Reviews: Displaying authentic Google Reviews on your site enhances credibility and showcases customer satisfaction. Social proof goes a long way when converting traffic into leads.

More Pages, More Traffic: Most landscaping websites are too small. Your website should grow as your business does. As the site grows, Google sees that and starts trusting you as an authority.

Speed Matters: We care about speed...a lot! A fast-loading website not only improves user experience but also helps with lead generation and higher search engine rankings.

Invisible Elements

Schema Markups: This is one of those detail that most web designer won't take care of for you. It's invisible and you would never know that it is missing. However, implementing schema markups helps search engines better understand your site, improving visibility and click-through rates.

Effective Post-Submission Pages: After a visitor submits a request for a quote, direct them to a "thank you" page with a scheduling tool like Jobber or Calendly. This makes it easy for them to book an appointment right away.

Consistent NAP Information: Ensure your business name, address, and phone number are consistent across your website and Google My Business profile. This helps with local SEO and builds trust with potential clients.

Landscaping Lead Generation with Google Maps

Lead generation with Google Maps

Would you like to be the first name that pops up when someone is looking for a landscaper in your area? This is the power of lead generation through Google My Business.

When you type in "Landscapers near me" what are you getting? If you are not right at the top, you can bet that you are not getting the amount of leads that you should. Not just a little bit, a truck load of leads going to your competitors.

It's not that it's crazy complicated to get that spot, but you have to know the game...and play it. Most don't and this is where the opportunity is.

What's the game and how do you play it?

I could bore you with all the technical details, but let's keep it simple.

  1. Get a Google My Business listing
  2. Have a consistent presence
  3. Get every single customer to leave you a review on Google

That's it!

Now of course, the devil is in the detail. So let me tease it out a bit:

Consistent Presence

In local SEO, it is called the NAP, which stands for Name, Address, Phone Number.

You would be surprised how many people have a different name for their businesses in different places. Just for fun, look at your business on Yelp, Google and Facebook.

8/10 businesses have either a different name, phone number and address across just those three.

Why should you care?

Well, Google wants to determine if you are a real business. A real business has a brand name, a phone number, and an address. If it's all mixed up, it doesn't inspire confidence in Google, and they won't refer you.

Get As Many Reviews As Humanly Possible

Google doesn't just want to see that you have just a few five-star reviews. It wants new and fresh reviews constantly. It's also good for your potential customers. A one-year-old review isn't as good as a review from someone yesterday.

So how should you go about getting reviews? Most people do it wrong. (Don't be like most people)

Ideally, you need to get a review from your client before you leave the job site.

Use this script when requesting a review:

  • You: So, how happy are you with our work?
  • Them: Fantastic! I'm super happy with the results.
  • You: That's great to hear! Can I ask you for a quick favor?
  • Them: Sure, what is it?
  • You: We get most of our business from Google, and a review would mean the world to us. Here, just scan this QR code with your phone, and it will take you directly to the review page.
  • Them: Absolutely. Give me a moment.

People are happy to leave a review if you make it easy. If you wait until you are gone, the next best thing (not as good for sure) is through a SMS message as you leave the driveway. The longer you wait, the less likely they are to leave a review. You have one shot at this, take it.

That's it? Almost...

If you have a consistent presence across the web and get every happy client to leave you a review, you are in the top 5% of landscapers. With consistency and time, you will start ranking higher than your competitors…guaranteed. Once you reach that top spot, you will start seeing this lead generation strategy bearing fruits.

Now, to add some gravy on top and accelerate the results, post all your new project pictures on your Google My Business profile and treat it as if it were Social Media. Also, answer your reviews!

Landscaping Lead Generation with SEO

Monitor with SEO sign above

At Supersonic Sites, we design your landscaping website so that it is SEO optimized to the gill, ensuring that your landscaping business gets the visibility it deserves. Here’s how we set you up for success right from the start:

On-Page SEO

1. Out-of-the-Box SEO Optimization

  • Keyword-Rich Content: We research and integrate the most relevant keywords to ensure your services appear in local searches.
  • Meta Tags and Descriptions: Each page comes with well-crafted title tags and meta descriptions to boost click-through rates.
  • Structured Data: We use schema markup to help search engines understand your content better, enhancing your search engine results.

2. Easy Project Updates and Page Additions

  • User-Friendly Platform: We provide an intuitive platform for you to easily upload new completed projects. Just a few clicks and your latest work is showcased.
  • Scalable Design: Whether you need to add a new service or a new location, our design makes it easy to expand your site seamlessly.

3. Service and Location Pages

  • Service Pages: Detailed pages for each service you offer, enriched with keywords and optimized content.
  • Location Pages: Specific pages targeting different geographic areas, helping you capture local traffic and improve local SEO.

4. Synergistic SEO Approach

The combination of service and location pages works together to create a robust SEO strategy. By covering a wide range of keywords and geographical areas, your website becomes a powerful tool in attracting more local customers.

Off-Page SEO

While our base package includes comprehensive on-page SEO, off-page SEO is crucial for long-term success and improved rankings. If you're interested in enhancing your website’s performance with off-page SEO strategies, we offer tailored packages to meet your needs. Reach out to us for an estimate and let's discuss how we can further boost your online presence.

Off-Page SEO Strategies:

  • Quality Backlinks: Building backlinks from reputable sites in the industry can enhance your domain authority.
  • Local Citations: Listing your business in local directories and citation sites can improve your local SEO.
  • Social Media Engagement: A strong social media presence can drive traffic and engagement to your site.

Long-Term Benefits:

Off-page SEO is a process that pays off over a 6 to 12 month period. Here's how it benefits you:

  • Climb Search Rankings: Gradually move up in search engine results, aiming for that coveted top spot.
  • Increased Visibility: More exposure leads to more traffic, inquiries, and ultimately, more clients.
  • Sustainable Growth: Consistent off-page efforts ensure that your website remains competitive in the long run.

Get Landscaping Leads with Google Ads

Just as we said above, if you have the top spot on Google, you will get leads. Google ads gives you the ability to rank for the top spot of any keywords you want. You have a service that brings in more money than other? You can make an ad for it.

Just as we said above, all lead generation efforts will be more expensive if you website isn't dialed in. But if it is, you can get leads for most landscaping services for $20 to $50 each.

Understanding Profitability with Google Ads

Imagine you're running a lawn care business and you decide to use Google Ads to attract new customers. You want to know if spending money on these ads is actually making you more money than you’re spending. Here's a simple way to figure that out.

Step 1: Know Your Costs

First, add up all your costs related to the ads:

  • Ad Spend: This is the money you pay to Google. Let’s say you spend $500 a month on ads.
  • Additional Costs: This includes any other expenses like paying someone to manage your ads or creating the ad content. Let’s say this is $100.

So, your Total Costs are $500 (Ad Spend) + $100 (Additional Costs) = $600.

Step 2: Count Your Conversions

Next, track how many new customers you get from these ads. Let’s say you got 10 new customers in a month.

Step 3: Calculate Revenue Per Customer

Figure out how much money you make from each new customer. For simplicity, let’s say each new customer brings in $100.

Step 4: Total Revenue

Now, multiply the number of new customers by the revenue per customer:

  • Total Revenue = Number of New Customers × Revenue Per Customer
  • Total Revenue = 10 × $100 = $1,000

Step 5: Calculate Your Profit

Subtract your total costs from your total revenue to find your profit:

  • Profit = Total Revenue - Total Costs
  • Profit = $1,000 - $600 = $400

Step 6: Understand ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)

ROAS tells you how much revenue you earn for every dollar you spend on ads. It’s a ratio:

  • ROAS = Total Revenue / Ad Spend
  • ROAS = $1,000 / $500 = 2

This means for every $1 you spend on ads, you make $2 in revenue.

Step 7: Set a Target ROAS

A good target ROAS for service businesses like lawn care is usually at least 3, or 300%. Here’s why:

  • Covering Costs: You need to cover not just your ad spend, but all other related costs too. A target of 3 means for every $1 you spend on ads, you want to earn $3 back.
  • Ensuring Profit: A higher ROAS ensures you’re not just breaking even but making a solid profit. If your ROAS is too low, you might only be covering your costs without making much profit.

Either become a google ads pro or hire a professional

Google ads need maintenance and expertise. It is a tremendous skill to have in-house. But you can also leave it to an agency who is specialized in getting leads for landscapers through Google Ads.

Get Landscaping Leads with Yard Signs

Landscaping yard sign in papercraft style

Yard signs are one of the best landscaping leads sources that are straightforward yet powerful for generating leads. When you complete a job, placing a sign in the yard can attract attention from neighbors and passersby.

Design and Placement

Design your yard signs to be clear and eye-catching. Use bright colors and bold text to ensure they are readable from a distance. Include your business name, phone number, and website. If you have a logo, make it prominent.

Place your signs in high-visibility areas. After completing a job, ask the homeowner if you can place a sign in their yard. Most satisfied clients will be happy to help. Position the sign near the road or sidewalk for maximum visibility.

Benefits of Yard Signs

Yard signs serve as endorsements from your clients. When potential customers see your sign in a beautifully landscaped yard, they'll associate your business with quality work, building trust and making them more likely to contact you.

Creating a Call to Action

Enhance your yard signs by adding a call to action. Phrases like "Call for a Free Estimate" or "Visit Our Website for Specials" encourage people to take the next step and reach out.

Tracking Your Results

Track the effectiveness of your yard signs by asking new customers how they heard about you. You can also use special offers or discount codes specific to the signs. This helps you gauge their impact on lead generation.

Keeping Signs Fresh

Regularly check your yard signs to ensure they're in good condition. Replace any that are damaged or faded to maintain a professional and appealing image.

Get Landscaping Leads with a Referral Program

Papercraft referral program represented by the gift box with money.

Decide on the rewards you'll offer for referrals, such as discounts on future services, free add-ons, or gift cards. Make sure the reward is enticing enough to motivate your customers to participate.

Promoting Your Referral Program

Inform your customers about the referral program through regular communications. This could be in person, via email, on your website, or through social media. Clearly explain how they can refer someone and what they will receive in return.

Include referral program details on invoices, receipts, and follow-up emails after a job is completed. The easier it is for customers to know about and participate in your program, the more successful it will be. If you can, automate the process.

Making Referrals Easy

Provide multiple referral methods, such as an online form, a phone call, or a simple referral card. The simpler the process, the more likely customers will participate.

Tracking and Rewarding Referrals

Carefully track referrals. When a new customer mentions a referral, note who referred them. Follow up promptly to reward the referring customer, showing appreciation and reinforcing positive behavior.

Saying Thank You

Always thank customers who make referrals, even if the referral doesn't result in immediate business. A simple thank-you note or email can build goodwill and encourage future referrals.

Monitoring and Improving Your Program

Regularly review your referral program's effectiveness. Track how many new leads come from referrals and which rewards are most effective. Be open to adjusting your program based on what works best.


Generating leads for your lawn care or landscaping business doesn't have to be a daunting task. By focusing on a strategic approach that includes an optimized website, a strong Google My Business presence, effective SEO practices, and creative marketing tactics like yard signs and referral programs, you can steadily increase your client base. At Supersonic Sites, we understand the unique challenges of the landscaping industry and are committed to helping you transform your website into a powerful lead generation machine.

Renaud Gagne
Web Designer & Web Developer
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